The latest logo to share is for Mantra: Sacred Yogic Teachings. This year I was contact by April Cantafio to assist her in the design of a new logo for her yoga teaching. I had previously worked with April on the Anahata Rising logo, and we had such a great time working together, so I was thrilled to get to do another logo for her. Fun fact! When working at Woodward Design, April came and interned with us as a graphic designer. I think this has been an absolute blessing to me as I have worked with her, as she has a very strong knowledge of design, but her life has just gone a different direction, and she wanted someone else with an outside perspective to work on her brand.

April really wanted her brand to be fresh and elegant, with clean lines and a geometric tone to it. There are definitely icons that are commonly associated with yoga, so I wanted to be aware of those, but do something different.
initial concepts:

April feels a strong connection to the number 3 (3 Gunas), so I thought that integrating a triangle, with its 3 sides would be a clever way of playing with that. Mandalas are also strong symbols within yoga, as well as elements of nature, so I played with all of those elements when developing my concepts.

April connected right away with the mandala logo I had made. She wanted to try developing it a bit more, giving it a bit more of a geometric quality and playing with the triangle, while also giving it the general feeling of a flower or 6 point star.

From there, we played with a bit of typography and the symbol just a bit, to ensure we had it just right. Sometimes a client needs to see other options, just to know they are making the correct choice. When I choose the perfect font right out of the gate, sometimes it seems almost too easy, so exploring allows the client to feel sure of their decision and that it is the perfect fit for them. As long as I feel we are moving forward in a positive direction, I am always happy to oblige, and work with my clients.

Last step was colour, and this was very easy. April immediately was drawn the the bright blue and navy combination. Another logo complete! I am so happy I was able to work with April again, and get to know her and her yoga practice.