Lori Sokoluk is the mind behind New Moose Consulting. I worked with Lori this past year on a logo for her company. The name of her company comes from a story a colleague once told her about how the community is often so busy chasing rabbits (sources of funding) that they don’t notice that there is a moose right behind them. Then stated that “planning is the new moose". This was the beginning of her brand. She didn't want to incorporate a literal moose necessarily into the design but did want something that told the story of her roots and potentially incorporated beadwork into the design.

I wanted to play with the beadwork idea, but also play with other natural elements, that connected to the strong history and strength of her Aboriginal background. I also wanted to try to tell the story of her brand name origin in one of the designs.
initial concepts:

The initial designs explored everything I had thought about in the initial sketch stages, beadwork, story telling, patterns and nature.

Lori connected right away to the beadwork flower design, which was a perfect balance of modern and traditional design. We explored font options for this design, as well as the layout of the logo.

To assist with the decision of the layout and font, Lori asked if she could see some colour options to consider. She had a strong connection to the colour turquoise, and after seeing other options, she decided that turquoise and purple were the right fit for her. We explored various shades and landed on just the right combination.